Learning objectives


  • To recognise evidence that can be used for evolution.

Working scientifically

  • To consider the degree of trust in the evidence used.

Success criteria


  • I can recall different evidence that can

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National curriculum


Evolution and inheritance



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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Display the Presentation: Choosing evolution, which shows a beaver that has grown a chainsaw for an arm and ask the class to discuss in pairs what the cartoon represents and why it is incorrect.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could use the Activity: Revising fossil formation to make it easier to read and reorder the statements; could use the Activity: Advantages and disadvantages of the fossil record to make it easier to read and reflect on the statements; could use different coloured highlighters or colouring pencils to show the evidence, conclusions and conflict of opinions when reading the Resource: Using evidence for evolution.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should use both advantages and disadvantages when evaluating how useful evidence is and the degree of trust in something; could be allocated the Lamarck case study when completing the Activity: Using evidence for evolution as it is a new concept that has not been previously discussed and challenges their current thinking; could choose an extension activity relating to evolution and inheritance from the Resource: Stretch and challenge: Evolution and inheritance.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: recalling different types of evidence that


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Knowledge outcomes

  • I can recall different evidence that can be used, including observations of living things, the fossil record and gene analysis.
  • I can describe methods used to make results or conclusions more trustworthy, such as looking for more than one piece of evidence to prove something or peer-reviewing conclusions.

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Vocabulary definitions

  • evidence

    Can show if something is true or not.

  • fossil

    The remains or traces of an animal or plant that lived long ago.


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