Making connections: Are some sunglasses safer than others?

Testing light and UV transmission of different sunglasses through an enquiry to decide which pair work best.

Introducing 'Making connections' in Science


Lesson 1: Investigating sunglasses – Planning


  • To revise the units Circulation and health and Light and reflection.

Working scientifically

  • To plan a comparative test.

Lesson 2: Investigating sunglasses – Gathering data


  • To revise the units Light and reflection and Circuits, batteries and switches.

Working scientifically

  • To gather and record data.

Lesson 3: Investigating sunglasses – Analysing, concluding and evaluating


  • To revise the units Light and reflection and Circulation and health.

Working scientifically

  • To conclude and evaluate the investigation.

Lesson 4: Investigating sunglasses – Extending


  • To revise the units Classifying big and small, Evolution and inheritance, Light and reflection and Circulation and health.

Working scientifically

  • To use further data to inform a conclusion.

Lesson 5: Investigating sunglasses – Presenting


  • To revise the units Light and reflection and Circulation and health.

Working scientifically

  • To report on findings in the form of an advert.

Key skills

This unit revisits the


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Key knowledge

This unit revises key


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Key vocabulary


bar chart (LKS2)


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Y6 Science Knowledge organisers

A complete collection of the Year 6 Knowledge organisers referred to in this unit. The Making connections units do not…


Vocabulary display: Making connections: Are some sunglasses safer than others?

A display version of the key vocabulary from the Making connections: Are some sunglasses safer than others? unit.

Subject resources


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