Learning objective

  • To create and use dialogue for a shopping transaction.

Success criteria

  • I can listen

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National curriculum


Pupils should be


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Hand out the Resource: Knowledge organiser: Spanish – Shopping (one per pair). Display the Presentation: ¿Cuántos tomates hay?  featuring the image of the frutería – fruit stall, and invite the children in pairs to estimate (or count) how many of each item is on the stall.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Should listen to the audio clips as many times as needed during the Attention grabber; should repeat and rehearse the dialogue using audio from the slide during the Main event; should use the example role play from the Knowledge organiser to support their learning during the Main event; could use role play 1 only, making simple changes to quantities.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should experiment with a range of vocabulary and different quantities; should attempt to perform as much of the dialogue as possible from memory; should use appropriate intonation during the role play in the Main event.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: identifying some key information


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  • ¿Algo más?

    Anything else?

  • Eso es todo.

    That's all.


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