Y3/4 (A): Unit 3: Pets and colours in Spanish

Learning the vocabulary for pets and colours; reading and writing a story about a pet shop.


Y3/4 (A) Lesson 1: Pets

  • To apply new and familiar vocabulary when talking about pets.

Y3/4 (A) Lesson 2: Colours

  • To recognise and name some colours in Spanish.

Y3/4 (A) Lesson 3: Animal descriptions

  • To translate descriptive sentences about animals.

Y3/4 (A) Lesson 4: Mystery animals

  • To describe animals using colour adjectives.

Y3/4 (A) Lesson 5: Tales from the pet shop

  • To use language detective skills to understand and retell a story.

Y3/4 (A) Lesson 6: Writing stories about pets

  • To compose a story about pets.

Key skills

Language comprehension

  • Listening

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Key knowledge


To know:

  • The

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Key vocabulary

un caballo

un conejo


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Knowledge organiser – Spanish: Pets and colours.

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Translations Y3/4: Pets and colours in Spanish

Translations of key texts and transcripts from resources in this unit.


Vocabulary display: Pets and colours in Spanish

A display version of the key vocabulary from the unit 'Pets and colours in Spanish'.

Subject resources


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