Unit 5: Free time in Spain
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- Subjects >
- Spanish >
- Upper key stage 2 >
- Year 6 >
Unit 5: Free time in Spain
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Notice and apply verb endings in the present tense.
- Ask and answer questions using different verb forms.
- Extract key information from written texts.
- Recognise and translate a range of descriptive phrases.
- Construct a descriptive text based on a model.
- Express opinions and preferences in comparative sentences.
Suggested prior learning
Unit 4: Shopping in Spain
Get startedLessons
Lesson 1: Who is doing that?
- To read a cartoon to identify how verb endings change.
Lesson 2: What do you do in summer?
- To report about seasonal activities using regular verb endings.
Lesson 3: Seasonal activities
- To answer questions about free time in Spain using appropriate verb endings.
Lesson 4: My year in Spain
- To translate travel reports from English to Spanish.
Lesson 5: Travel bloggers
- To construct a descriptive travel blog using a range of verbs in the present tense.
Lesson 6: Comparing blogs
- To compare and respond to different travel blogs to express preference.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources

Knowledge organiser: Spanish – Free time in Spain
Aimed at pupils, a single page that gives key facts and definitions from the unit.

Vocabulary display: Free time in Spain
A display version of the key vocabulary from the unit 'Free time in Spain'.
Translations: Y6 Free time in Spain
A translation guide for teachers for all the text/audio/dialogue within all the activities in this unit of lessons.
Cross-curricular opportunities
English: Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
Geography: Place knowledge.