
Lesson 6: Relaxation: Breathing exercises

Children explore how relaxation affects the body and mind and practice different breathing exercises while considering the most appropriate times to use them.


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Learning objective

  • Use breathing exercises to relax

National curriculum

All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice.

The PSHE Association Programme of Study recommends that pupils are taught:

  • H1. about what keeping healthy means; different ways to keep healthy
  • H18. different things they can do to manage big feelings, to help calm themselves down and/or change their mood when they don’t feel good

Success criteria

Cross-curricular links

Before the lesson

Attention grabber

Main event


Pupils needing extra support: Might need to work as part of a guided group to remember different breathing exercises.

Pupils working at greater depth: Should try a range of breathing exercises and describe the pros and cons of each of them. Should describe in detail how relaxation makes them feel and how it affects the body.

Wrapping up

Assessing pupils' progress and understanding


Created by:
Elaine Bousfield,  
Wellbeing specialist
Elaine worked for many years as a therapist with young people. She is the founder and chair of XenZone and its children and young people’s counselling service, Kooth delivers an online counselling and therapy service. It is also an online community…
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